Saturday, April 05, 2014


Life has been a challenge in the past year with a few eye opening moments and I've learned a few more lessons along the way (as my grandmother says). 
Walking away from it all is my best course of action. Add in an ever so-snarky-sweet smile, a chuckle under my breath, telling/saying very little or nothing at all and my life is much more pleasant.

Cotton candy is so very sweet and makes me smile. This wool took a nice dye bath in the dye pot, spun to a worsted weight and navajo plied. It's time to knit this ever so sweet color.
Mr. B has been very busy lately, running in and out in the somewhat nice weather. He's shedding enough to create another dog and thinks brushing is the next best thing to stealing a chicken leg.

 Little Gypsy Jo hides anytime she sees the brush appear. She also joins Mr. B in his outside barking activities. The red squirrel has returned along with the birds and the possum. *sigh* gonna be a looooong spring.
Life....when it hands out lemons, I do my best to practice what my father taught me, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (not always easy and of course I'm human and slip but definitely one that mulls in my mind before I act). 

1 comment:

SissySees said...

Where's Molly?

Beautiful handspun. You are one talented lady!