Saturday, January 10, 2009

Picture-less Post

A post without pictures and you'll soon read why.
It's raining here and freezing on contact. There is a lovely shiny glaze on everything. I was unaware of that until I stepped on the porch to go down the steps. My foot went out from under me. I grabbed the rail and slid ever so gracefully (or not) down the steps. Funny how hand knit gloves glide on an iced railing. Mr. Bettis remained on the porch even though the gate was standing wide open. On a normal day he would've sprinted over my crippled and crumbled body completely oblivious to my plight and gone for a nice run. He must've sensed the nasty weather because he just stood there and stared at me not even contemplating a run off. Although he appeared to be having a good chuckle as dogs sometimes do:).
Nothing is broken. Well......I take that back. Nothing is broken but my pride. My bum is a bit tender but otherwise I'm fine. Why is it when I fall the first thing I do is look around to see if anyone saw me? I breathe a sigh of relief when I realize I'm alone. Until I make an attempt to get up, then I'm screaming for someone, anyone to come get me up. Funny how my family NEVER hears me screaming. Selective hearing once again.
I'm off to knit. The candles are ready in case the power goes out.


Grace said...

I did the same thing on Thursday, the ice was covered with a fine coat of fresh snow behind my car, and I went ass over backwards. the lady throwing away her garbage in the dumpster, well she just let me lie there. oh well----hope you don't get too sore

Anita said...

OH NO! I'm glad that you didn't break anything!! And I'm sorry that Mr. Bettis laughed at you. ;)

Where is everyone when you need them? Better they weren't there anyway, they probably would have laughed at you too. :)

Becca said...

Oh, ouch!!! I am glad to hear that you are alright! Hopefully, you are able to sit comfortably today!!

SissySees said...

Ouch. But see? Mr. Bettis is a good boy. Now, to teach him to be a good nurse. Mugsy and Fred were, and Gretchen shows signs, but Sissy?

Hope the candles weren't necessary.

Laura Neal said...

Woman, you have some serious talent in the hurting yourself department. I can tell you, you are not alone. So far, I have to knock on wood, I haven't tripped over my feet in a while. I can bet you have a huge bruise on your backside. Get out the ice and let it sit back there, it will help with the swelling. Funny how it was the ice that got you into the trouble in the first place and how the ice will feel when it hits the backside to take down that bruise. Get better!

Bubblesknits said...

And what a great picture for this post that would have been. heehee ::ahem:: I mean, I'm glad you're okay. ;-)

Diane said...

Must the the falling time of year. My oldest cat tripped me down the stairs the other day (wool socks on metal circular stairs aren't ever a good idea). Glad you weren't hurt. Now here's the question for you: As you hit the ground was the first thought in your head "CRAP! I HOPE I DIDN'T JUST BREAK SOMETHING!?!?!"