. I love the palette of the Tulip sweater but I'm not willing to spend $200 on the palette of yarn. Not to mention I don't have $200 to spend on anything let alone, yarn. So I dug in the stash.
I'm not making the sweater so I'm going to make socks for self. Yeah, I hear all of you, after Christmas socks:).
This surprise package arrived in the mail yesterday. Eight skeins of cotton yarn, a tape measure and 2 adorable pencils. My friend Anita sent this to me and it was quite a surprise. Thanks so much Anita, it replaces what Mr. Bettis has destroyed. By the way, how did you know there's a black hole of lost tape measures in this house?
I have another package to blog about from my friend Sara but it will take up another post of pictures. That will come later.
Little Miss Gypsy received an "F". It took two people to handle her wiggly 8 lb body for her groom. She can be a tough one to hold onto if she's wiggly. Vet Girl got a kick out of giving her an "F". It's a frame job, I just know it.
I do think they are quite tired of Mr. Bettis getting all the attention on the blogs due to bad behavior and that could be why they get cranky and pouty. After all, they certainly don't do anything nearly as destructive. (ahem) Now what do you have to say, Mr. Bettis's "Defense Attorney" Jessi? LOL