I bought this cotton fingering yarn at MD Sheep and Wool ions ago. I have no intention on making cotton socks. So I put the two together and started another project.
It's easy. It's mindless and I need this right now. It is a great project to drag along in the car. Love it!
Spinning has taken a first seat to knitting these days. Of course, I have no support or encouragement from family members.
As Mr. Smarty Pants DH put it to the DD,
".....oh your mother gets on this wool thing every year at the same time right before the MD Sheep & Wool."
On top of that, Lil Miss Smarty Pants DD had the nerve to ask last evening, "...so how long is this spinning/wool thing going to last?" (she's just like her father)
I have no idea what these people are talking about. I admit there are a few rather large bags of wool in the spare room. Wet wool is drying on the deck and containters of batts and roving are in the rec room patiently waiting to be spun.
I love summer food. Although I'm still purchasing at the market, I just love the food choices. Baby greens, cucumbers, red peppers, strawberries & pecans. Add a little poppy seed dressing and Yum!