As you know there has been personal "stuff" going on in this household concerning our eldest daughter.
In spite of all that happens friends hold the glue in difficult situations. They wipe tears, encourage and even give constructive but loving criticism when needed all in the name of being a loving caring friend.
This daughter was visiting when a package arrived from Chan. She teased me about opening it as most packages arriving here hold yarn and much to her surprise I told her to go ahead. She was chattering away as she opened it and was quite surprised when she lifted the lid. No yarn but instead the box held a beautiful carefully packaged robe with her name engraved on the front.
The look on her face was priceless and the thoughtful gift brought tears of joy.
It gave such delight to see her smile during such difficult days. Thank you Chan for your gracious and very thoughtful gift and many warm ((hugs)) are sent your way.
I'm so glad it fits - in every way. It's hard to do but so much across the miles, but it worked out this time!
A most excellent name even if it is spelled wrong ;)
how truly sweet and thoughtful for all of you
Ah, that is so sweet! What a kind and thoughtful gift!
What an absolutely wonderful, thoughtful, perfect gift... Chan rocks! :)
Awww, sweet! It's so great to have such wonderful friends... it just sucks to have you live so far!
Chan is such a sweetheart.
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