Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year Bang!

I will make this short minus pictures for the weak at stomach. We are bringing in the New Year with a medical BANG!

I have spent the last two days in and out of the hospital with the DH. Seems his hand and his table saw had a "showdown." Without giving details I will just say, the saw won. Scared the pjs off me, that's for sure.

He underwent almost 3 hours of surgery and is in an astronomical amount of pain. Add insurance crap in there and you have a nightmare.

Don't ask what he was making with the saw. Let's just say it had to do with yarn, knitting .......... Okay. I take the blame. It was an item for me to give to my BFF for Christmas. (No, Di, it's not your fault) It is an accident.

We have a sense of humor......who wouldn't? considering we were the couple who got married with his left leg in a cast. It has been a medical nightmare since. So in order to get through the medical crap bestowed upon us, we have developed a sense of humor. So bear with me and laugh along the way as we go through this medical mess............again. I need the laughter.

P.S. He had spine surgery 1 1/2 yrs ago and was off work while recuperating. So here we go again............Thank goodness for my knitting.


KnittingMoose said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about that...I hope your DH is recuperating well!

Anita said...

OMG!!! I sure hate to hear that! Good thing to have, a good sense of humor!! And a good tolerance for pain in your hubbys case!

BTW, go check out my etsy treasury!
If we're lucky it will make it to the front page!! Generate some exposure for some of my fav sellers, since I can't buy it all unfortunately!! :)

Bubblesknits said...

Oh Lord! That sounds like something that would happen to my husband. Hence the reason he doesn't own a table saw. I hope your DH has an easy recovery. Keep that sense of's the only thing that gets us through sometimes!

Caroline Dlugy-Hegwer said...

I am so sorry. I hope he recovers soon.

Caroline, the SockPixie

monica said...

Hope DH heals completely and quickly. What a way to end/ begin a year.

Diane said...

Oh that's awful. Wishing a good recovery with lots of pain killers.

My hubby is a carpenter and has a ton of power equipment. He had a run in with a tablesaw a while back so I know how frightening the experience is. All it takes is that split second and life takes you down a new road.

Rachael Elswyk said...

Eek! I hope the recovery goes well, and the sense of homour continues!!! Happy New Year, here's hoping 2008 brings you all you wish for!

Laura Neal said...

I hope he is feeling better. I know what you are going through since I am the walking time bomb in this relationship. My DH I knew was a keeper when we first started dating, he picked up my Mom and then took me to the ER when I had double pneumonia. How many men would do that for their girlfriend? He even came to see me every single day. Aah! He brought me candy as well because he knew how miserable I was.
Hang in there, it will get better and remember to take some time for yourself!