The DH is in trouble. He is in BIG trouble!
He has been asking for another Labrador Retriever. I have said NO! countless times. His boss has 2 AKC Labs that gave birth to 9 puppies on Thanksgiving Day 2006. He offered the DH one at Christmas at a reduced price. I said NO! On January 27, 2007, he GAVE the DH one of the pups. I still said NO! but it didn't matter. He came home with the puppy like a little boy would come dragging home a stray.
This pup is 9 weeks old and weighs in at 25 1/2 pounds! His paws are HUGE! We're not talking puppy here, we're talking this is a horse!(by the way, we own one of those creatures too, but that's another story.) This puppy seems to have a shoe fetish. MY shoes, mind you. He chews paper. Any paper. Whatever he finds he chews. Knitting patterns, books, bills, whatever. He also has an aversion to yarn! NOT. A. GOOD. TRAIT. I have compiled a list of everything he does wrong on a daily basis. It is posted for the DH everyday. I am sending this list to his boss so he can read it as well.
His name? Bettis aka THE BUS! (after the Pittsburgh Steeler's football player) Very fitting! He runs through here like a bus.
He drinks water by the gallon and he eats like a horse. There is one plus and I do consider this to be a HUGE plus. He is already house trained! We have had a few Labs and I must say they are the easiest dogs to house train. So he does have that going for him. YARN? Now, that remains a problem.
P.S. The cats are NOT happy with him either!
My kids always asked for a dog when they were younger. No friggin' way! I can't believe your hubby brought one home after you already said no. Big decission to make since it involves you too.
He is such a cutie! I would love to have another dog but, with two medium to big ones, no more room in this house. You should make the DH take care of the dog. If it is his, he can deal with it. I know it is a dream. hee hee.
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