Friday night Football again. I certainly don't mean to bore you but it's our life.
We are trying to enjoy this year in spite of adversity and impending medical issues.
Our daughter/Field Captain/Drum Major marching to the beat. The Band was excited and upbeat and ready for a big game. There were predictions we would lose and in spite of losing any game our fans/kids still have fun.
Jessi, I promise I will get a video clip and post it but probably not until the Homecoming game when I can get the complete band show in daylight hours.
p.s. This post has been updated due to some not-very-nice comments that have since been deleted. I don't normally respond to nasty comments but I must ask that unless you attended and witnessed the ENTIRE pre-game and the game itself, please reserve judgement.
Hopefully the Truth will prevail and it did. The opposing team was reprimanded for bad behavior.
Holy cow! I don't believe I've ever heard of a team forfeiting the game over a disputed call. That's pretty rotten. *sigh* Am I old enough yet to shake my head and say, "Kids these days"?
What is it with rude people nowadays?? I think thier coach was setting a HUGE bad example for those kids....pfst!
I can't believe those kids! Way out of control. I would never even dared to try anything like that, my parents would have beaten my butt, or I would have been dead.
What ever happened to good sportsmanship? Does it not exist in the forfeiting team's vocabulary?
But on a brighter note, look at that girl direct! ;)
Your site has taken on a new look since my last visit. Very nice.
I keep hearing about this football game on the big city TV news. I didn't pay much attention to it because it all sounded WAY too inappropriate and unsportsmanlike. But, the story on the big city news is that someone, I don't even know which team, singled out some of the black players and called them the "N" word. According to big city TV news, that's what it was all about.
Whatever happened to teaching sportsmanship in addition to playing sports?
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