Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Remember I posted this little sweater last year? I apologize for not taking the time to link the post. Time has a way of slipping right past me these days. 
Anyway, I said I would never make another one. I'm not a fan of intarsia knitting. However, the sweater has been well received and worn a lot and now that I've been away from the pattern for awhile I'm going to make another one in a bigger size.

I'll fuss later when I'm dealing with umpteen bobbins of yarn but I must say the end result is worth every stitch and time.

Add on requests for more booties and sweaters for upcoming fall and there's not enough time in the day. I must admit I do appreciate the requests. It means my knitting is not in vain.

The sewn hats were a bust. They're not as forgiving as handknits and only 2 of the 3 boys' hats fit. I have no idea if the girls' hats fit. In any event, I'm not going to take the time to fiddle with more sewn hats, I'm sticking with the knitting.
Tick-tock, tick-tock....time is counting down to next Christmas ;)

1 comment:

SissySees said...

The sweater is a stunner. Can't wait to see V2.