Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Hats off

Hats off to my hubby who has worked tirelessly from sun-up to nightfall on major renovation. We've been without a kitchen for almost a week. The coffee maker is on the antique cookstove and the microwave is up and running on a living room stand. Dear hubby proudly announced he was going to hook up the stove however there is no running water, sink or countertop (eyeroll).  Yes, he truly believes a working stove without the rest of the kitchen could possibly lead to a homecooked meal. Silly.
Hats off to our DD #1 and SIL who have graciously and generously cooked dinner for us every night. Otherwise hubby would've survived on PBJ's or bologna sandwiches ;) 

Hats off to the sewing machine. A wee Dr. Seuss hat for summer and a bunny flat for play . I wanted the crinkly sound that is in so many of the infant toys. Found a seafood market bag that was perfect so cut out a piece and sewed it into the body.
Another wee hat that I have dubbed Indiana Jones. Love this style and can't wait to get pics of this one on the recipient.

Sidenote: Many of you read my blog and respond/comment by private email. Please feel free to leave comments in the comment section. I will respond to your comments privately :D 
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Laura Neal said...

Very nice and tres chic on the hats. The rabbit is adorable. Smart about the crinkle sound. Sometimes being crafty has it's uses.

SissySees said...

You are so very talented!!! Those are dapper chapeaus and what a cute bunny.