Sunday, April 03, 2011

Lucky Ducky

Prayers have been answered on this sunny Sunday morning. The story of an area dog (nicknamed Ducky) whose mouth was duct taped shut and thrown from a truck into a creek has been found. He wandered onto a porch miles from where he was dumped. A lot of mountains and woods for him to run and wander. He's at the vet office now and is very worn out. Poor guy, he's been wandering and running for a week but he's been found and now it's time to go after the abusers.........


SissySees said...

Wonderful news. Now, for some justice...

gMarie said...

I gasped out loud when I read this story the other day. how some people can be so heartless and it breaks my heart daily.

I leaning more and more toward "an eye for an eye" punishment. Wonder how the 'gentlemen' would fair with their mouths duct taped shut (and their arms too) being thrown in a creek. ICK! g

Anita said...

SO glad to hear that he was found & doing ok!!

Bubblesknits said...

I do hope he's going to go to a very loving home after this. He deserves it, poor guy. I hope his trust in humans as a whole hasn't been shattered. :( I hope those evil b*st*rds that did that are punished severely. I personally believe there will be a very special seat in Hell for them.

Sorry for the outburst. It just burns me up to see stuff like that. /sigh/

carolinatrails said...

It distresses me to no end what people will do to animals. All but two of my creatures are "found" and they all have a home for life!